Today on life with kiddo: draconic is playing FFXIV running a trust dungeon on Bard. Out of nowhere, unprompted: Kiddo: Pew pew pew! Pew pew, pew pew pew!
Today on life with kiddos: Older kiddo has a cold (thankfully not COVID, we got the test result already) and she's been periodically doing this rapid-fire cough, like she's trying to clear her throat. And then bitty makes cough noises that sound very similar.
Thoughts I never would have had before becoming a parent: The part where it's Saturday and I'm just dreading the fact that we've got two consecutive three day weekends.
Today on life with kiddo: Her bedtime story for tonight was Cinderella. After I finished reading, her first question was why the glass slipper didn't disappear along with the rest of the magic. I am so proud.