4 years ago
[kiddo] Hoo boy, we've got a clever one here. I feel like she's going to be seeing through the Standard Childhood Fantasy Tropes pretty early.
4 years ago
Kiddo, with a Hershey's Kiss: Why do they put these paper things in to make it easier to open? (I'd explained this previously.)
Me: You just... answered your own question.
Kiddo: But why do they make it easier to open?
4 years ago
Me: Ohhh. Insert an explanation about customer ease of use and how it could boost sales, so the company has an incentive to make their packaging easy to work with.
Kiddo: But these are from Santa!
4 years ago
Insert hasty errata where Santa makes products with the intention of being consistent with store-bought stuff in order to conform to expectations.
Cookie Politics
4 years ago
well I'm sure Santa also wants to make it easier for good kids to open the presents he gives them