Hello, folks, my name's Ana and I normally work in petcare but have been almost entirely out of work since March with COVID keeping everyone at home and no longer in need of my services. So I've been baking to make ends meet! Let's start out with some pics:
There are more pics and reviews on my site (and existing customers are welcome to chime in here) but basically I will bake you whatever cookies your heart desires and send them priority to your door! I also take pre-orders if you need treats for a specific date.
Any questions about ingredients/allergens/add-ins/etc, custom orders or special requests: please let me know and I'll get back to you asap! You can ask here, pp, or use the form on the site. (There may be additional cost for add-on customizations.) Most treats can be made gluten free.
Payment is via PayPal or Venmo after treats have shipped! You'll receive a tracking number and final total. For those with COVID concerns, I bake and pack batches wearing a mask and gloves just in case, the kitchen and bakeware is cleaned both daily and between batches, and there has been no evidence of transmission through food.
I also have a ping list for when I make new plurks (incoming) so if you would like to be added or removed please let me know, or feel free to follow. <3
Ping list:
As someone who has had Ana’s baking before, PLEASE COMMISSION THEM, THEIR STUFF IS DELICIOUS.
Delicious and A plus customer service! Our pup has some tooth issues and Ana baked the dog treats smaller and a little bit softer so they're easy for him to enjoy and he is CRAZY about them!
Thank you guys!!
also i got a chest freezer now
...gimme a bit to consider my freezer space
TheSouthernBelle I just read your review, you're too kind. :3 It'll go up soon!
And I do want to note that I had to cancel some orders over the summer when I had surgery and then briefly went back to work -- if you were affected by that you get one batch from your order free if you still want treats!
IDK if I told you BTW but I gave some of the espresso brownie cookies to my dad and Holly and she wanted to know where to order more so I gave her the link c:
You didn't mention that, I'm glad they liked them and thank you!
and they live right by Levain so like
they know quality-ass baked goods
howdy howdy! do you ship to canada?
I do! Shipping is pretty high but UPS gets it there within a couple days just the same as USPS does in the states. I can play around with the calculator for different weights and box sizes if you're concerned about costs.
kudos from a fellow cookie baker, these look amaziiiing
omg yaaaas I'm def ordering some. would you prefer we order through the website?
keytone8: Thank you! Most of them are my own recipes or at least adapted. :3
scripturient: However you prefer, I keep track in a spreadsheet that notes how to contact everyone so you can use the form or pp!
super. I'm gonna bookmark this website lol
There's some stuff not on there/not there yet, like I've done triple ginger (a custom order) and rugelach lately:
oh no there are more options now
ohh i was wondering about costs to canada too. but omg i am so torn between so many of these options.
galactic: I'm happy to run some numbers for you as well!
Did you send me an email about the cookies or did I hallucinate that? @_@
Also oop I don't remember if you told me what were the general things in the fresh ginger |D; Ana I'm going crazy, sob
ohsweetcrepes: I sent you a pp with the tracking -- the shipment was supposed to get in Friday but was delayed and now says tomorrow, I'll ping you to it!
I forgot the boy stole my cookie last time...
anabakes: THAT WAS IT twas half asleep when I saw that and then couldn't remember where it was, cuz it wasn't in my email. Thank you!
as someone who has had your cookies in the past, i can attest THESE ARE SOME GOOD COOKIES (also im so happy to see you got a website. dat glowup!)
it's clear i need those ricotta chip back in my life
recipeh: Thank you!! And yes, my buddy Nick bought the url mostly as a joke but I'm pretty happy with the page now. It's easier to showcase things on there. Let me know if you'd like some chippies.
i do! do you make smaller batches of the Press Sandwiches? like 3 dozen?
5 dozen is far too dangerous for me to have in my house lol
recipeh: Fwiw they're tiiiiiny, like and inch and change so it's only about one gallon bag full to get that many. I could do a half batch, though!
oooh if they are than tiny, then i can see why it's 5 dozen
Yeah they're made with a cookie gun, the plate is about two inches wide with the design punched out. So it makes a ton of itty bitty cookies and you can just pop a sandwich in your mouth.
Do you have deets yet on mini fruitcakes?
officialbizness: Unfortunately there wasn't enough interest to justify the cost of doing fruitcakes this year. The volume of fruit and booze I have to buy at minimum wouldn't balance out.
I can appreciate that! Fruitcake is def a special taste.
Me: I wonder if my roommate would be mad if I got him cookies this Christmas?
anabakes do you do any gluten free options?
boywonder: Almost everything can be made gluten free! I haven't mastered shortbread yet. What were you thinking of?
I was thinking of the earl grey shortbread actually haha but if not that then the ricotta ones look incredible too
Shortbread seems a little gritty to me gluten free because it's so simple, I'm still working on it -- if you'd like to be a guinea pig I'd send you a half order's attempt free to try with something else.
ANA'S BAKING IS AMAZING I need to decide on an order
yeah I'm staring at the new flavors but also old favorites going BUT BUT BUT
goddammit these cookies are beautiful. How do you keep them soft after a long ship?
anabakes: I would LOVE to be a guinea pig on this effort!
I'm in VA so I'm not terribly far to ship to
I'd also like to volunteer as guinea pig if you want to ship across the US (CO)
Ooh, you’re in New York? My parents live there and my dad’s birthday is coming up. Do you do deliveries in Manhattan?
ana's stuff is honestly the best guys
Sorry guys I was at the store answering questions now!
analoren: If I'm concerned about them not being soft when they arrive or someone not eating them right away, I vacuum seal them! But usually the 2-3 day shipping isn't a concern.
boywonder: If you order just add a note that you're willing to test a gluten free shortbread attempt! Same to
analoren! Are you also gluten free?
too many choices!! sob sob I assume the linzer tarts should probably not be frozen?
You are correct, things with jam don't freeze well.
What about the mint double chocolate and oatmeal pumpkin spice?
They should both freeze fine! You want to thaw outside of the bag or in a low-ish temp oven.
I didn't see it on your page, but do you do Millionaire Shortbread?
analoren: I have done it before yes! Not since I started taking pics of things is all.
Millionaire's shortbread and "sea turtle" brownies are how I learned to make caramel.
I might have some mediocre old cell phone photos of both of those things somewhere but the Good Camera Pics are a new thing.
ty for the answers o/ time to think hard
I might hit you up in the next few weeks as I try to prepare for holiday stuff.
Of course, take your time, both of you.
nvm I decided, want to try mostly new flavors huhuhu
I see it! Still got the lemon shortbread tho, going with the classics too.
yes, you know I love the shortbread. I was considering the ricotta but figured I shouldn't get that and the linzer tarts in the same order
(though for anyone looking at this plurk who hasn't tried them before, the ricotta cookies are AMAZING)
Gluten free friends, the oatmeal pumpkin spice cookies are AMAZING gluten free!
espresso chip are my favorites! i also love snickerdoodle
all the cookies are amazing tbh
Do you perhaps have diabetic-friendly recipes?
eugepae: Did you happen to freeze any to know how they thaw? I've never tried before.
analoren: I've had good luck using coconut sugar, but am willing to try other substitutes if that's still too high a GI.
lovebakery: Are you looking at the peanut butter? I can do a half order! Or vacuum seal half to freeze.
Oooh. Both excellent choices.
No rush. And happy birthday!
I've also done chai tea shortbread, and hojicha, and matcha, though I don't have any matcha right now. I should really get some more.
Most teas + my spice grinder work pretty well.
>"perfect cookies" lol ok if that's the descriptor here--
>looks at website
>...........they weren't exaggerating those are perfect cookies what the actual fuck
Hahaha. I'll admit sometimes the mail is not the kindest to the delicate ones but they usually make it still pretty!
The site name
was just a joke but.

When someone buys you a url you use it.
quick question before i get too invested here, is this a NYC-only shipping or an all-over shipping............sincerely a chicago bitch who wants some cookies
I ship all over the US (via USPS priority mail) and to Canada (via UPS). I deliver within NYC for free.
roughly how much would shipping be?
i keep staring at cookies
illuminations: Whereabouts are you? East coast/midwest usually runs about $8-10, west coast people typically order a couple batches to fill up a $15 medium flat rate.
I'm west coast! thank you <3
Yeah, usually west coast folks get like 3 batches at a time and unless they're cookie monsters (lookin' at you Andrea) I vacuum seal some for them to freeze!
The dream is to be able to offer free shipping, tbh. And to do more samplers, sometimes I offer those in batches of ~six orders at a time and you get six types of cookies. But it's hard for people to agree on which six they want so I've only done it a few times lol.
Also thank you all for sharing, I'm blown away by the response.

Very excited to send you lovely plurkers treats.
anabakes: THERE WERE FREEZING PLANS but my mom stole half of them 😭
Well I hope she loved them too!
SHE DID she did not realize they were gluten free at first!
Moister/softer cookies really disguise gluten free flours well, I've found. Also using the right blends, oat is very forgiving and tender.
Giving this a gentle bump because I'm putting together my list to order more ingredients! (I'm through the original queue and officially starting on new orders tomorrow.) Also wanted to show off that I slapped together note cards to include with orders.

Art by the wonderful Xinnie.
oh I'll make an order when i go back upstairs
i been sleeping all day lol
/saves site to ponder for later
draculabackwards: ......okay I must know the story behind your display name as a Trevor player lol
I can't claim to be the first one to come up with this. I think there's a speedrunner who goes by this name and as someone who loves Castlevania, I was personally offended I didn't think of it first.
So it might be my display name forever because it's too perfect.
I was going to be fiscally responsible, but just for that comment, I'm buying some cookies now.
I am filling it out now and my e-mail is totally on brand.
Ddfghds haha only if you can spare the dollars! But now I'm curious. XD
Well my birthday's in two days so I may as well treat myself, even if it will take a bit for cookies.
Also I go by Belmont for all my RP fun times so I had to.
Another birthday!! Happy happy!
OH CRAP i just put in an order and clicked send but realized i mistyped my email
it's paperlights at gmail not whatever i put lmao
my intials are JM in case you need to look through your orders
recipeh: I got you, thanks! Sending confirmation now~
I'm going to guess you either didn't do the vacuum seal one or USPS fucked up the vacuum seal
ahh I will message you about my order tomorrow so we can figure out numbers with the shipping costs.
also that card is super cute!!
ohsweetcrepes: ahhh sorry I totally didn't do the vacuum seal, I've added a column to the spreadsheet for that now!
Awww thank you! I'm so glad you like them.
(I still have a few orders to get to but the ones that went out today are going to be affected by Thanksgiving so if you're still waiting please know I haven't forgotten you! Just want them to be as fresh as possible.)
I got my cookies today HOT DAMN THEY'RE GOOD
I will attempt willpower and only have one a day just to make them last longer
I destroyed the Ricotta chips lmao I am testing my willpower on the Linzer Tarts to make them last until next payday lol
lovebakery: thank you for the lovely review as well!! Just saw it.
recipeh: gpoy

? I'm glad you're enjoying!
Also in case people haven't seen my other plurk I am doing pastiera reserves! It's an Italian wheat pie/tart made with ricotta, custard, and cinnamon spiced wheat that'll go out starting the first week of December.
that sure is a picture of me lol
oh right where do i leave reviews
Yeah, it's the same form! Thank you!!
I made sure to send the good word about your site on my facebook. And I added a warning to my parents that it had naughty language.
Haha thank you! (Sorry about the profanity, parents.)
Ana, I have a question: would you ever consider doing like a cookie platter? Of course, I'd pay however much for a variety plus packaging etc, but like if I wanted to gift someone your cookies, would it be an option?
So I do that every now and then, I call them "samplers" and it's usually six types of cookies and requires ~4-6 people to order them because I can't really do most batches smaller than two dozen so there would be a ton of extra cookies.
If people are interested I can totally do a sampler sale in December.
I would love another sampler, if you offer them again.
Absolutely. They'd be great for the holidays esp!
The trick is just deciding which cookies to include, last time I went with what the people ordering wanted to try. XD
Oh okay because my neighbor downstairs did a big solid favor for me and I was trying to think of how to pay him back
while also shopping small!
That'd be sweet, and yeah I'm happy to do samplers if there's interest. What would you want in it?
probably the press cookies, lemon shortbread, and the ginger molasses? maybe the earl grey
That's three already, we can do this. What other flavors do we think,
carotid sharkly ?
ooh I'd be in for a sampler to send to my mom and sister
ricotta chip, the earl gray shortbread, mint double chocolate?
I mean I'm sure they're good with anything personally but I'd want the ginger molasses so my mom can try those. She loves ginger snaps.
I think I'd do press cookies, ricotta chip, earl grey shortbread (more of a crowd fav than the lemon), ginger molasses, and mint double chocolate. That's a good spread and a few different from last time!
if you do the sampler sale let us know! I'm putting in some orders for folk, but I'd really like a sampler for my mom.

Hey there! I'm well through the queue and up for doing it but am working on pastiera today and tomorrow and then some standing pre-orders over the weekend and with the mail how it's been (my packages are taking twice as long) and not knowing total orders I can't guarantee pre-holiday arrival. I'll make a new plurk to that effect.
That's okay, I'm sure she'll be thrilled whenever it arrives, that's on the postal service, not you!
Yeah what's normally 2-3 day has taken up to 6, but I know they're overtaxed right now and want to continue supporting them (and my own deliveries have been delayed with other carriers anyway) so we're doing our best together!
That's all you can do, you know?
I know we talked in November but it’s getting closer to my order date. But I don’t mind waiting!
boywonder: I'm baking them as soon as the pastiera is done and sending for the 15th, I remember you. :3 And thank you again for offering to test taste!
Thank YOU for letting me tbh I love trying cookies!