‎(⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)و BIZ
58Friends 14Fans
The Woods, Maine, United States
Autistic androgyne that farts a lot and talks about those farts a lot. Available on Discord OfficialBizness.
https://images.plurk.com/3RV00Z2Qy8qhHaWJJgE138.jpg THE BIG RIG COMPUTER IS COMING TOMORROW?
https://images.plurk.com/21I0iErijHVsJKNU28xXEC.jpg Visited Dad yesterday and his living room trash bag was an ancient relic of my marketing career.
[FFX] New containment plurk.
https://images.plurk.com/47f8r2nx13jmBI4jH74SAg.jpg Doodling ideas for the new game and I'm thinking lawful neutral horizon walker gunner named Dolly (Parton). She's on the hunt for the eldritch monstrosity that destroyed her ranch and ate her husband, a being known only by the name Jolene.
Noticed I had the HD remaster of FFX and FFX-2. Last played X in 2003, never played X-2. Time for some Tidus feels??
Livejournal likes to send me emails of links to posts I'd written literal decades ago, and this is why it's 7AM and I'm thinking about the time we accidentally owned a real human skull.
Rechecked my expenses, eliminated a few of them, weighed options... new computer has been ordered and will be arriving Tuesday.
At the county fair with ma. Hot nut vendor called out to me, "you look like you have a nut deficiency!" Immediate response that came outta my mouth was "MY BOYFRIEND SAYS DIFFERENTLY," so now we can never buy hot nuts again.
Soup and bread weather tonight. Cozy new bathrobe, freshly showered, clean sheets and aired-out quilts.
https://images.plurk.com/6tCYBxxHMnKZ3D7EskynjU.jpg Forgot that I had a thermal printer. Surely I can be trusted not to abuse this technology.