72Friends 8Fans
female NY, United States
https://images.plurk.com/c9GSDSrb3j4d0WddBpmjD.png jumping in on this -- gimme books!
fucked up my shoulder, went and got a steroid shot today, shot has not actually helped the pain but has made me tired and spacey in a not-fun way. awesome.
https://images.plurk.com/2CwlXJVi2brnSk2Lq6p1d0.jpg best footrest
does anyone know what "be ____ or be nothing" comes from? I swear it's something I picked up from a cartoon or something but I can't remember the context and Google isn't turning up anything
1 months ago 6 @Edit 1 months ago
[weed/drugs (meds)]
if you've already voted but want to keep doing your civic duty: support the New York Times Tech Guild strike and boycott the NYT online! No crosswords, no Wordle, no Cooking, etc.
1 months ago 3 @Edit 1 months ago
the only thing I'm going to say about the election is a thing I should have said sooner: NYC folks, if you haven't voted yet and hate Eric Adams even 1% as much as I do, pls vote no on props 2-6
absolutely wild to stumble onto a Slings & Arrows reference in a random Vulture article about the Sunset Blvd musicalA Madly Showy Sunset Blvd.
[ncod] cis woman of a slightly indeterminate sexuality that proooobably reduces most easily to biromantic gray-ace...?
yooo if you use LinkedIn, it's using your data to train its AI unless you opt out, here's how: