I need to work like four more hours and I have hit a WALL. I’ve just been staring at the screen on and off all day (doesn’t help that I’m LONGING to do some TLs).
Generalized apologies, the last couple days has been weird terrible fatigue(literally writing emails is putting me to sleep, tho drafting tags is a thing for me now) and I’m ... fighting 💜
Man, Plurk is arcade-esque rn. Just dodging spoilers (Arcane, Veilguard) and TDMs for great-sounding games I would get kicked out of (The Crossing. 15 tags/mth, no strikes? ⛔️ 😕) Speaking of: migraine = nap ➔ THEN tags, sigh
oookay, well I got a single tag done and have done a lot of THINKING without that turning into action. very frustrated, but. maybe getting sleep at a normal time will help.
DONE. I’M DONE WITH WORK. I was slightly aura-y for like four hours this morning and I thought I might be SOL for any relaxing but I’M DONE. It was like...ten hours longer a week than usual 😅
Apparently my body’s real plan to get us back on a real schedule is just to uh, be awake for 4 hours and go ‘fuck it’. Will I wake up at 2am? Prolly! But I can just tag and work and nap and repeat.