fayebells ring
1 months ago
Apparently my body’s real plan to get us back on a real schedule is just to uh, be awake for 4 hours and go ‘fuck it’. Will I wake up at 2am? Prolly! But I can just tag and work and nap and repeat.
1 months ago
lol. My body does that sometimes. Usually results in me falling asleep while we're eating dinner and watching TV.
1 months ago
And then waking up at 1 or 2 am.
fayebells ring
1 months ago
zandroid: Yeppp. And here I am. lol. I’ve BEEN not sleeping until like, 6am, sleeping late, not getting started on the gig job until after dinner and pushing that until well after midnight (rinse, repeat), so I’m hoping this...will actually help?

Somewhere my neurologist is cringing but like. Man, tell me what you would do.