11Friends 2Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
11 years ago 14
Today, I was one of three people on a panel at Geeks Who Drink's national convention. The panel was "Our Company is Sexist, Knock It Off."
11 years ago
QMCON as been great so far. Met some kindred spirits, and got to see old friends as well.
11 years ago 10
Flying to the lunar landscape that is Denver tonight.
OutlandsGM shares
11 years ago 3

So this toad tried to eat a bat.
11 years ago 6
Guy in hotel lobby explaining how FOX news is too liberal for him.
11 years ago 7
Drank whiskey until my classmates gave up. Now I'm alone in the hotel bar. Time to work on my RPG campaign, I guess?
11 years ago
It may have been a mistake to not rent a car. This is a city that hates pedestrians.
11 years ago 5
I go now to the land that held my father captive for so long... Los Angeles.
11 years ago
Hey, so, speaking of gifts, here's another! Ylvis - The Fox [Official music video HD]
11 years ago 20
'But then the tips of her breasts became erect on their own, and the flood in her loins washed morals, despair, and all other abstract assessments away in a cloud of some sort of divine cologne of his. '