got a plausible design for this year's (virtual) xmas "card" and a terrible joke/pun.
another tiny step closer to having my domain better(?) hosted - or at least more editable by me!
there has been entirely too much building noise again - from yesterday afternoon into this morning.
some new pages for my new website (not yet uploaded) to form a new Spoonflower entry point, with explanations.
once again been looking up the dates of the latest sunrise and earliest sunset around the winter solstice (for the northern zone).
to find out why one of my savings policies has sent me a letter warning of a "chargeable event".
hit some new & unknown X/twitter daily(?) limit on posting/replying with them demanding that I give them a mobile phone number to unlock my account.
still fighting to transfer my domain - since mid-September!
BBC News has just outdone itself in poor sentence construction.
noticing, during the recent plumbing palaver, that I still have a white snapdragon flowering outside the front of the house - perhaps a late-starting one.