again with (tiny) images to work as background fills in various HTML settings: planar or linear (vertical column, horizontal rule or border).
it was somewhat warmer starting off in here this morning but there's less sunshine outside - though not dark.
the laptop has been refusing to shut down cleanly the last couple of days - claiming that some task (or the task manager itself?) is still running.
seen a primrose yellow butterfly fluttering around in the sunshine.
been outside to the front & the back and even into one of the neighbouring gardens in an attempt to check as much of the roof as possible.
a lot of sunshine here today.
steam vapour rising & wafting from the roof surfaces because of the sun shining on the frost & damp they acquired during the cold night.
just found out that Spoonflower has wrecked the personal tag search method that's linked off one's profile so the URLs all return the same generic design list.
frost again - mostly on the roof surfaces but also perhaps some on the grass this time.
possibly got the RnR group successfully booked into a new venue for Saturday afternoon after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing (and database editing).