a lot more GIFs to convert to PNG (and then upload & re-edit all the description text on Spoonflower).
been sent my sister-in-law's old 4G phone but has yet to succeed in getting it to do anything much.
a pagan xmas tessellation of holly + ivy + pine cones (if this works!)
my "baby" brother's heating system has apparently broken down this afternoon just as everyone else was arriving there for xmas.
slowly plodding through design updates.
now got a persistently dripping kitchen tap - the cold mains one.
to point out that the religious nutters in charge of the UK are effectively admitting they don't hear from a god at all (or that their god is evil).
put up the tiny tinsel tree for the solstice.
managed to upload quite a lot of files to the new host of my website / domain and also tested email forwarding.
found the plastic handle end-piece on one side of the convector heater downstairs has fallen off and broken into small pieces.