112Friends 15Fans
female Florida, United States
Elena of the Turks {Provenworth} | Homeless
Elena (Before Crisis) {NotGun} | Homeless
Shirayuki {redhairedsnowwhite} | Homeless
1 years ago
[RL] Today is Gally’s first day in daycare as I prep to go back to work on Wednesday. I am a crying mess despite the fact that she was all smiles when I passed her off to the very lovely teacher/worker. Any love would be appreciated as I try to keep myself busy to keep my emotions at bay.
1 years ago
I just finished watching probably the last quarter of the movie A.I. and I am gross sobbing. It would probably have been worse if I saw it from the start.

Hubs already saw this movie and knew what I was going to see.

He is an evil, evil man.
1 years ago 11
[RL] Okay! Got a bit of doing today
1 years ago 6
[RL] So...I just got a call from Gally’s daycare and apparently they can’t take her because one of the teachers went out on an unexpected medical leave and now I have to find a new daycare for her to start in next Monday. btw, most reputable daycares have a 1 year waiting list for their infant room. If they even have one
1 years ago 2
Found a pretty good tattoo parlor nearby to get a phoenix down tattoo done. Red at the base coming up into a primrose purple tip. Just have to decide size and location.
1 years ago 6
So my bloodwork came back and beside a slightly higher cholesterol, liver enzymes are elevated so I'm having to do another round of blood work in 4 months to see if that stays consistent.
1 years ago 17
(cw: health, death)
1 years ago 28
I found this poor kitty in the side of the road. Her ear is all bloody so I think she got hit by a car. Took her to the humane society while I consider adoption.
1 years ago 1
I just realized I have a little less than 3 weeks left of maternity leave before I have to return to work. While I'm ready to get back to work and socialize with other adults, I'm sad about putting Gally in daycare and leaving her in someone else's care.
1 years ago 12
Boarding the AMA train. My characters, me, Mini-Turks, work, whatever.