1 years ago
So my bloodwork came back and beside a slightly higher cholesterol, liver enzymes are elevated so I'm having to do another round of blood work in 4 months to see if that stays consistent.
latest #6
1 years ago
I'm hoping its only elevated because right before I started my fast, I had a glass of wine. But 1 glass shouldn't have elevated it that much?
1 years ago
Taking this seriously though since mom died of alcoholic hepatitis (I'm certainly not an alcoholic, but I do have 2 glasses of wine a night because CHILDREN)
1 years ago
And dear lord, I know better than to use Lord Google to read up on it because now braining is wondering if it could be liver cancer?
1 years ago
Or that it could be something that was introduced when I had to get the 4 units of blood?
1 years ago
I'm just gonna stop looking and entertain my brain with other things since there isn't much I can do about it but sit around and wait.
1 years ago
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