Long story long, ALA is the one con I ditch my usual cosplay friends for 3 out of the 4 days because it's the only con I get to see a number of friends at. And this year was even better cuz I saw even more friends!!
I was blessed to get to see Mika, Lauren, Ash, Ari, and Juri for the first time in passages and hanging out with them is always a treat. Absolutely adore them. <3
Llama and Soka are def sick of my face lol, but I always love doing anything with them. I also did get to real quick see Julia and some other non-Plurk friends, so my extroverted ass was feeling real happy by the end of the day each day (despite my body being in pain, being old sucks).
Okay dokey, let's go through each day's lazy cosplay and stand out moments for each
omfg that pic. amazing
Thursday was breakup Geto Suguru from JJK and standout moment was almost immediately losing my earrings for him, giving up, and getting to help Llama with the swap meet at the end of the day
Friday was casual Nami from One Piece (I just really wanted to use this orange cardigan I recently bought) and standout moment(s) was getting a surprisingly large amount of people complimenting the cardigan. Also, did a REALLY cute One Piece stamp rally in this with the prize being the postcard after every also had stamped it!
Saturday was Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle and standout moment was the pic at the top, where I got to pose with a Miyazaki cosplayer lol. Also got to see one of my friends who was cosplaying Howl that day!
The other standout moment which I didn't take pics of was getting to eat AYCE hot pot with everyone and smelling like meat for a good long while after

Aaand Sunday was me being lazy and just wearing StSg fandom merch before trawling Artist Alley for the last time with friends. All in all, an excellent con. <3
Stuff I ended up getting was mostly for friends and then random things for me (mostly StSg)
I don't go here but all these are for Drea, hahaha
I absolutely
adore this person's art (especially their KiriBaku stuff) and almost definitely have doubles of some of their prints, so I had to be reserved and only got these two prints which I
knew were new. The Nami pic was a freebie cuz that was Friday and I gushed about loving their art. |D
All I want to say is that I want to smell like a red bean bun, damn it
It's not me if I don't buy merch of my current obsession, which is of course JJK. I'm sticking that magnet on my dishwasher right the hell now.
LOOK AT SOPHIE'S FACE, I LOVE HER!!!! The artist said she was trying to channel book Sophie in the pin, which is my favorite Sophie hahaha
I love this place's chocolates. Are they expensive? Yes. Am I still gonna buy them? Also yes. I cannot resist triple chocolate truffles, man
rileyboi: AIN'T IT?? They even had the "anime was a mistake print" lol, along with a ribbon Imma show in a bit
I am a Chinese girl born in the year of the snake. I must buy year of snake red envelopes. It's a requirement (for me).
Aaand that's it! Good times, very tired, glad I didn't hafta evacuate my house and therefore miss the con this year \o/
lmao so good
AND GAWWWD THAT ONE ARTIST. I LOVE THEIR STUFF. it's so like pleasantly Shaped
along with kiribaku they are aslo the only con artist i've seen with hell's paradise stuff so i'm like [i owe you my life]
your nami was SO cute
and it was fun!!!!
we gotta hang soon
You are always such a cute Sophie!
Your Sophie was super cute, I'm glad the Miyazaki cosplayer was down for a pic
You absolutely earned that XLB ribbon, too
Someday a NorCal foodventure
schadenfreudere: yes plz, tell me your free times and places nearby that I can get a room at a reasonable price lol
If you're ok with me driving up for a day trip (like 2 hours each way) you can crash at my house.
uhhhh wouldn't it be you who should be ok with driving 2 hours?
I don't mind I just have to borrow my dad's SUV
schadenfreudere: hrmmmm if you're sure! tell me your free months/times when you can o/
Okok! I have to update my calendar because family things are also happening
Also randomly I see your wisdom on what the hell that peanut candy is called. It's made of I think glucose and powdered peanuts and it's folded in on itself and crispy on the outside and still kinda powdery inside. I can't find it in Ranch 99 anywhere anymore.