Nath Pevensey
129Friends 31Fans
male Asheville, NC, United States
Biped. English and French-speaking. Second Life.
flickr: nathanielpevensey
blog: What Fresh SL
Nath Pevensey shares
8 years ago 6
The local dread clawmonster says 'Happy Holidays'.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago 5
So hey gang: I'm looking for a big pane of shallow (or not so shallow) water that I can rez on- ideally, with some weeds around in the water (though I'd be content rezzing my own weeds if need be). Yr thoughts?
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago 1
I'm apparently feeling glib.
[20:18] Leia: My list Wants on top. Leia Cale's Arcade Trades - Google Docs
[20:19] Nath: my list wants a drink or two before it'll consider allowing your list on top.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago 7
So if you were faking up a Dos Equis commercial around SL stuff, what would the Most Interesting Man In the Sim have done? I have some thoughts (which will be in comments), but I'd love yours too.
Nath Pevensey shares
8 years ago 6
When I go in to work I get to see this as I go to sign in.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
Hair salon down the street from my house: I don't think they'd name it that if they knew what it made me envision. Grabilla screen capture: 2015-11-22 21:19:57
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago 3
so if I picked up a soft-linked set of objects which were named 'foo', 'bar', and 'baz', if I'm trying to find baz later, is there a way to get SL to search for the names of objects softlinked?
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
'Why, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them'.
-Malvolio, Shakespeare's Twelfth Night