Nath Pevensey
129Friends 31Fans
male Asheville, NC, United States
Biped. English and French-speaking. Second Life.
flickr: nathanielpevensey
blog: What Fresh SL
Nath Pevensey
2 years ago 1
I still have yet to see a male avatar in SL who has got body hair that doesn't look like it's been oiled down with some matte kind of oil that doesn't exist in RL.
Eeew. Gross. Nasty.
There's a reason I look basically hairless in SL, and that's because SL body hair Looks Gross.

And please feel free to tell me I'm wrong and show me why I'm wrong!
Nath Pevensey
2 years ago 8
OK so I only apparently log in here when I'm looking for advice on something I want in SL.
Well, I want curly hair for a male in SL that doesn't look like 2009 vomited all over it. Could be a unisex hair. I'd love a good blond texture, too.
Inform me, folks!
Nath Pevensey
2 years ago 5
Anyone know a location in SL where someone's built a crop circle- one of those whacky 'the wheat got knocked over in this rather persuasively intriguing way' things?
Hit me up- I need a crop circle for the photo I'm planning on next. Which, I will note, is NOT going to have any avatar in it!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
Here it is, then- not quite what I was aiming for, but the picture works well. In A Sea Of Honey
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 4
So, working on a new photo. I found a nice technique that I think will do wonderful things to a photo, and I'm going to revisit an old photo with it. The old photo is here: Dream of Flight and the new knowledge about how to use Linden water is in the attached photo.
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 5
That frustrating moment where you realize you haven't IMed someone in SL because it's THEIR TURN to make the initial effort now, gdi
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 3
For those of us on the east coast who need to use ride-share services- pre-book. You're out and it's 10 PM, and you wanna go home at 12 AM, tell the service that at 10 PM. you'll get your ride in a punctual fashion.
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 1
Went to the Leviathan Skeleton in SL, got some great photos. And it occurs to me there are folks here who don't follow me on flickr, so- Nathaniel Pevensey Go have a peek!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 4
Had a thought cross my mind earlier today and went 'that'd be a good second plurk post'-- lost the thought and well here we are. But hi.
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago 17
Oh, yeah, I rediscovered my plurk account a year after getting back inworld. Cope with it. :-)