Nath Pevensey
2 years ago
Anyone know a location in SL where someone's built a crop circle- one of those whacky 'the wheat got knocked over in this rather persuasively intriguing way' things?
Hit me up- I need a crop circle for the photo I'm planning on next. Which, I will note, is NOT going to have any avatar in it!
2 years ago
I don't know of one, but the Cornfield you can access from Portal Park
Allegory says
2 years ago
replying so i can find out where such a thing exists if (when! i hope!) someone comes up with a suggestion
Nath Pevensey
2 years ago
The Cornfield may do the job for me...
2 years ago
idk of a crop circle , but Walsh County might work for your photo
2 years ago
nathpev: YAY! There are a few spooky sections, and monsters.