Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
Oh, yeah, I rediscovered my plurk account a year after getting back inworld. Cope with it. :-)
latest #17
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
I had completely forgotten about Plurk during the year I didn't have access to SL (blah blah I was that broke blah). Just remembered it.
Hope you've been good!
3 years ago
Well hi there
Allegory says
3 years ago
ahoy there!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
Heya Misha and Allegory!
3 years ago
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
Hello Mari!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
ALSO crud- Hi Chandni!!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
(I will have to relearn how to tag people on this mess. mmccann - shoot, I think I just figured it out, Mari.)
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
mishaselene Allegory chandnikhondji - Good to see you too!
3 years ago
Hello! Yay! welcome back!
3 years ago
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
OH My GOSH it's hyasynth!!!
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
I've been OK Benton- still playing around with flickr photos, still turning up at odd places inworld. You?
Nath Pevensey
3 years ago
GHosh yeah, the past year's been a goddamned mess for everybody, near as I can tell. Sorry it was MORE of a rollercoaster for you preceding.
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