75Friends 24Fans
female Dekalb, IL, United States
3 years ago
Happy Halloween, loves. I'm getting ready to play a silly character is a D&D one-shot with DMed by my bestie (redpyre), and I'm super excited.

What are y'all up to?
3 years ago 8
Home from meeting hospice care. Obviously, there's no way to accurately predict this, but the social worker advised I tell my department I need the next two weeks off.
3 years ago 22
I knew today was going to be rough, but it was more than I expected - My step-dad took my mom to the doctor this morning because she hasn't been eating, and they told us she's now in end-stages of Alzheimers. She's 62
5 years ago 11
Does anyone have recommendations for legit online counseling options? I'm going to try to set up something through my school, but they tend to have a waitlist and things aren't great right now.
5 years ago 14
HELP! I need to pick new glasses and I hate how everything looks because self image issues suck. Please help me pick a style?

https://images.plurk.com/5FqEfsdpKxCEoylFJtVhMj.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6Zt0PaTVsD4N5U88eOG609.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3Fajvg0VrKA6TqH9dXb5N4.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7qsduHXKnLTpLi7S2R7YLE.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3tjt4BekNnEfSfVArOemks.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2nw772B6udGs5ZHio7vc9J.jpg https://images.plurk.com/jKJsVCEutso4cUD1oqfiD.jpg
5 years ago 19

Before and after

https://images.plurk.com/4436Za3v040nyM3Nes0kBZ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3cJZxWYh9R3svLq9Mnjdm9.jpg
5 years ago 4
It has been a very long day and I am very drained.... physically and mentally.

Took my step dad to the hospital for shoulder replacement surgery this morning (got up at 4am) and today has been the first day I've basically been the sole adult responsible for my mom since the Alzheimer's really started impacting her.
5 years ago 3
Boy: You look cold.
Me: I'm okay.
Boy, grinning:

5 years ago
The boy, as snow blows in through the car window: "You... stop it with your stupid fluffy crystalness."