𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑦 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒
47Friends 2Fans
female Wisconsin, United States
laid-back writer. lover of crossovers, AUs, and curious pairings. will ramble about Star Wars (in relation to muses) and gaming (mainly Destiny 2), enjoys theorycrafting and digging into character nuances.

Mara Sov and Ignis Scientia @ Neon Requiem
just a quick FYI that busy season has arrived for me at work, and if it's anything like last year it won't lighten up until Oct/Nov, sob. so I may be more sparse and tags from me during the day will be rare. doesn't mean I might not still try to sneak stuff in on lunch breaks but it'll really depend on the day/week
idk how the end of the month suddenly arrived, but I've taken tomorrow off so fingers crossed I can tackle All The Things the next three days. because if next week is anything like today at work, idk how much brain I'll have left for the evenings :|
[work] Monday arrived on Wednesday this week. I'm over it. can it be November already so busy season can be over?
my mind is lurking around the RP gutter this morning and a song/music video from the late 90s popped in my headBillie Myers - Tell Me
I really need to try to get up extra early before work when possible. once I wake up a bit my thoughts most always go to writing and wanting to work on tags, as opposed to my actual work. like this morning

of course, it's easier to be up late than get up early, so. sigh
[news][uspol][pol] I generally try to keep this stuff off my plurk. all I'm gonna say is - whoever first said "may you live in interesting times" cast a fucking curse.
discovered Factorio has a demo and I now understand its appeal. on the plus side, totally effective in clearing the noise. on the negative side, haven't gotten any writing done yet today :x
if the existential depressing thoughts could stop randomly popping up this week I would really appreciate it
event plotting links: Ignis and Mara
yesterday wound up being a wash. started off good but kinda fizzled out. hoping it's not busy season fatigue kicking in early.

anyway, tags and plotting stuff will happen after work today, barring anything unexpected.