just a quick FYI that busy season has arrived for me at work, and if it's anything like last year it won't lighten up until Oct/Nov, sob. so I may be more sparse and tags from me during the day will be rare. doesn't mean I might not still try to sneak stuff in on lunch breaks but it'll really depend on the day/week
latest #17
I'm hoping that I can still keep up some kind of consistency with tagging in the evenings/weekends, at least here at the end of summer
but even though there's usually not many overtime days (thank the gods it's not like prior company where I'd have 1-2 months of mandatory OT) it still tends to be a pretty major mental drain when it's busy, unless I get lucky with a smooth day
I just know how the past couple years have been, so. figured I'd toss a warning out :/
if I'm really lucky there won't be any home/family issues adding to things like last year - or I guess I should say not to the extent of last year, there's kind of consistently stress even when I do my best to ignore it
mostly I'm just going to try my best to avoid or at least delay falling into the busy season/burnout cycle of: wake up, work, maybe have dinner, maybe put on a mindless stream for an hour to try and chill, go to bed, rinse and repeat -.-
thinking I might pin this since it's probably more useful /relevant to most than my occasional meme top levels
and today managed to be the perfect example of the day starting fine-to-good, and by 3pm I'm wanting to cry and/or scream in frustration and impatiently waiting to quickly log off at 4pm sharp
big drg energy
1 months ago
big drg energy
1 months ago
wit náterash
1 months ago
Clasps your hands in the mines of the work/veg cycle...
hate these days of spending the morning catching up just to end up behind again because of a mountain of new stuff
and that I'm already having to restrain the urge to just go crawl in bed after work and skip dinner even though I've barely eaten today
I'd say I want it to be October already but that's just for the weather. our busiest weeks are forecast for right around my birthday -.-
wit náterash
3 weeks ago
please do eat at least
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