Well. There's a new menace in town. FML.
is staring at poptarts. Do I get the strawberry ones or the brown sugar cinnamon ones?
I can't fucking believe this. Nightmares. And now this. Too early . Fuck you, Loki.
Fuck it. Drugs and sleep. Squalo. I'll contact you later. Maybe. If I'm still sane.
This is getting ridiculous.
is going to be pissed when the free food's finally gone.
[Dear Mun,] You let Pi-Face get his hands on me. I'm not even going to touch what he's doing to Josh. You know what that crazy fuck is going
Well shit. Yeah. As if I didn't need more reason to stay inside. Forever.
wants a freaking good cup of coffee.
'Morning Vegas. Guess who got two hours of sleep tops?