Why do things keep getting worse?
...This guy. Remember the psycho guy I mentioned? Well. He's more psycho than I thought.
Look. If you see a guy with dark skin and golden eyes covered in tattoos? Just get the fuck away.
Yeah. Unfortunately. But he's not interested in just anybody. He's only interested in the Composer and how he can hurt the Composer.
That doesn't mean walk up to him and try to make friends.
Just stay away. Trust me.
You don't have to tell me twice to stay away from someone dangerous!
Good. Stay safe, Keigo-kun.
I can't take him, even with my powers. So I'd say I'd look out for you but...
yeas sure if wut r they oing 2 do rape im and make him leavsu alone keigo
hisf freidns thast er supposed 2 bso strng
At least he's got somebody.
You're just getting worse, Mizuiro.
But he won't listen to me when i try to help him.
Yeah. Some guys are like that, unfortunately.
How long are you going to last like that?
You can't seriously believe that!
See! I'm not the only person who thinks it!
No. Not good. You won't get shit for being dead. At least you've got some friends, and they're TRYING to help you.
If you die, Loki just brings you back!
u ppl need 2 put down hte dicks and pikup a dictioanery
Seriously. Get some help, Mizuiro.