56Friends 34Fans
female Green Bay, WI, United States
Hello I am Kelsey hello.

Entranceway: Sirius Black

Sorting Hat, Vatheon, Hospitalstuck, Holy Relic, Apprentice Wanted: Jane Crocker
Entranceway: Shannon Beiste, George Lass, John Egbert, The Lorax, Tara Gregson, Miguel
9 years ago 3
Hey guys! I'm changing plurks! Please add me on aninkywisp instead. <3
9 years ago 2
Met two potential roomies today. I wore an Adventure Time shirt and the first girl had a Marshall Lee shirt on. The second girl was wearing a 9 3/4 shirt. So it's going well lmao
9 years ago 2
someone tell me i will have a roommate someday
9 years ago 21
Hey people who run, particularly on an elliptical. Is it good or bad if my legs are shaking when I get off?
9 years ago 5
"While it seems to lack the mimetic echo that Williams detects in pornography or straight horror..." It took me a moment to realize the author wasn't redefining porn as "straight horror"
9 years ago 2
[01:51AM] Koji: I've become an expert in penguin murder
9 years ago 28
[rl] so J (but really her dad because she is incapable of independent thought) is refusing to sign the roommate release. the one where i am releasing her from the lease. the one she needs to leave.
9 years ago 2
I may not be playing from the show anymore, but it is important that everyone knows I am forcing my Comp 101 students to read a review of Glee for class.
9 years ago 1
[school] Just got 1/5 of the signatures needed on my thesis proposal! (And it's my chair so it's p much the most important one)