今日小編在明報英語社評(5/6)文章,發現這句子"...the question of who will 'take up the baton'..."。
"baton" 就是指揮棒,接力棒或者警棍。"take up the baton" 就是接棒。究竟誰會接捧呢?當然年輕人啦!
所以"Young people are needed to take up the baton and continued to uphold the pillars of democracy."
如果只是為份工, 就"take up the job" 或者 "take up the role"。She is resigned, we need to take up her role."
今日小編在明報英語社評(7/6)文章,發現這句子"One never goes to the temple for nothing"。
這句就是無事不登三寶殿也。比喻沒事不上門。例如:"One never goes to the temple for nothing.
Tarō Kōno aimed at lifting the ban."(無事不登三寶殿,河野太郎就是為了取消食品進口禁令。)
比起平時作句,例如:"He, who never come to my house other than to ask for money."是不是好好多呢?
One never goes to the temple for nothing
今日小編在明報英語社評(6/6)文章,發現這句子"It is important to 'do as the Romans do'"。
"do as the Romans do" 就是入鄉隨俗。每個地方都有自己的文化及傳統。所以”When in Rome, do as the Romans do”,
例如:“When you visit a mosque, do as the Romans do. It is required to take off your hat and shoes.” 💪💪
今日(3/6)小編看見香港天文台天氣預報(Weather Forecast),其中提到"狂風驟雨"。
"落雨"用英文簡單說:"It's raining."。"落大雨"就可以加個形容詞"heavy",例如"We had heavy rain all day."
"狂風驟雨"呢? 天文台就用這句子:"There will be squally showers and thunderstorms..."
如果是滂沱大雨,傾盆大雨,而又想生動一點就用"cats and dogs"這句成語(idiom)吧!
"It's raining cats and dogs." 。哈哈!貓貓狗狗從天而降。
說 6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
今日小編在南華早報IN THE PICTURE (2/6) 發現一則對話,一問一答,地點在粉嶺香港高爾夫球會。
問:"What's your handicap?"
答:"I'm poor."
是不是答非所問呢? "handicap"名詞解作殘疾,缺陷或者阻礙等。例如"the physically handicapped"翻成"殘障人仕"。原來"handicap"是高爾夫球運動上的術語稱為"差點"。差點是來用表達高爾夫球手能力的數值,數值越大代表球手的能力越低。