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Second life
botgirl shares
9 years ago
Shot of birthday performance art from my niece.
9 years ago 16
just added "The Church of Holy Immersion" to the story. I'm thinking it needs a Saint Sophrosyne. (Although hardly anyone would get the joke.)
botgirl shares
9 years ago
Thanks Google News!
9 years ago 6
I ended a business email with a "Regards" salutation. They replied with "Best Regards." What's up with that? Should I up the ante again with "Warm Regards?" Where will it end for god's sake?
9 years ago 1
Sign at place I'm eating lunch.
9 years ago 14
Did you know that the feeling of desire kicked up when flirting is the work of powerful hormones including serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and endogenous opioids?
botgirl says
9 years ago 6
you don't need a weather app to know which way the wind blows
botgirl says
9 years ago
I just realized I've developed an unhealthy word count obsession.