Estelle Bright
14Friends 6Fans
female United States
Estelle Bright @ Empatheias

Estelle Bright shares
9 years ago 10
[Tales Of] So I went to AseliaCon last weekend.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Gonna throw up an open post in the main Elios event but I'm at AseliaCon this weekend and probably won't be tagging much until monday unless I find random time to. @_@
Estelle Bright
9 years ago 16
laenavesse I just realized a really awkward plot hole I put myself into. How long does it take one to cross the island?
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Estelle Bright
9 years ago 9
I'm sorry for vanishing. I should have at least posted something about it. I'm not dropping though, and thanks for the heads up about the AC check Fanfictionming ! I should have hiatused this month.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I'm really sorry for not being around yesterday! I had no time to get online at all! I'm getting to some tags now, but the rest will be this evening!
Estelle Bright
9 years ago 2
Hmmm I don't know who else to throw Estelle at in the chocolates thing because comfort levels and I don't usually RP this kinda thing. But I kinda want to at least join in the empty threads...
Estelle Bright
9 years ago 6
Dragonoflife Celestia just broke Estelle for a second there XD
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Going to go see my grandma today for lunch and valentines. Back later!
Estelle Bright
9 years ago 1
Slowly catching up on my tags!