Estelle Bright
9 years ago
laenavesse I just realized a really awkward plot hole I put myself into. How long does it take one to cross the island?
latest #16
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Like, if Estelle set out with Enoch on the 26th, would she feasibly be back by the 2nd? Is that hand-waveable?
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I joined his log belatedly and then realized I had one taking place about 5 days later.
it would depend on the means of traveling
if she was by horse or some kind of carriage/wagon, then 5 days would be feasible (also depends on how far enoch was when she reached him)
.....oh dear okay so
the island itself is 1000 square miles
but that's not length
i kind of roughly based it off rhode island sooo
or well actually i can just be lazy and do math especially since it's more squareish in shape
let's say it's roughly 35 miles long...
straight through no breaks, maybe 7-8 miles
er hours
/did lots of late night math and googling rotflmao sob
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
oh noo I have a plot hole since he's going by foot xD I'll ask him how he feels about Estelle paying for someone to take them.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
thank you for explaining it, that helps a lot!
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
they hadn't left town yet so I may be able to work something out with him.
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