Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I'm sorry for vanishing. I should have at least posted something about it. I'm not dropping though, and thanks for the heads up about the AC check Fanfictionming ! I should have hiatused this month.
latest #9
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
That said, I spent all week just stressing myself to hell and back. I thought I could keep up with both the game and all the sewing I procrastinated on for a con that didn't even happen.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I stressed myself out a little too bad and ended up being a grouch to be around at times.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
The first day I vanished should have been just that, a day to recover from a little personal meltdown. I should have at least given people a heads up that I had no time to be on, so I'm sorry.
Estelle Bright shares
9 years ago
That said, sewing is now over, and I'm at least happy to say that costumes were completed even if the snow canceled the con, we got photos and froze our asses off:
Estelle Bright shares
9 years ago
I haven't slept in 48 hours save for passing out on the couch today after it all, so I will tag everything I can tomorrow. @_@
9 years ago
Ooh, very nice Tales of Rebirth costumes.
9 years ago
now sleep.
9 years ago
at least we got to have fun in the snow :-P
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Yeah, we did have fun at least. :-) And thanks mamoritai !
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