8Friends 21Fans
San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
Knitting fool, defender of those suckered by charlatan huckster grifters, collector of photos of philandering husbands doing The Truffle Shuffle. Scared kids??
ajdury wonders
14 years ago 1
what the hell a Certified Muse is. Is that now the new-age term for a Grifter?
ajdury wonders
14 years ago 10
if anyone else plays along with their calendar? Fun fact #1) Sept. 23, 2009: www.ravelry.com/discuss/...
ajdury is
14 years ago 2
pleased to announce there is ANOTHER *ahem* stellar L&V review up on iTunes. ;-)
ajdury is
14 years ago
boggled to go from 188 profile views to 228 in just under a week. Who *are* these people?? :waves HI: :-)
ajdury is
14 years ago
tickled pink by the support messages people are sending. The white-hot spotlight shining on Miss Crazy is working well.
ajdury is
14 years ago 7
enjoying coming up with potential tag lines for the impending L & V iPhone application. Share yours too!
ajdury is
14 years ago 2
pleased to read the most recent iTunes reviews on a particular *ahem*podcast . . . just say'n . . .
ajdury is
14 years ago
laughing over her recent "Karma" boost here. As if it matters in the real world, lol. Funnier is boom in profile views!
ajdury says
14 years ago 7
Mexican Shepard's Pie on menu tonight - "his" & "hers" versions, based on different likes. Beats picking out gross things I don't eat :-P
ajdury is
14 years ago
amused that people keep check'n out my profile. Too bad Ravelry & Twitter don't show that particular stat. I'm sure those #s are up too :-P