ajdury wonders
14 years ago
if anyone else plays along with their calendar? Fun fact #1) Sept. 23, 2009: www.ravelry.com/discuss/...
latest #10
ajdury says
14 years ago
fun fact #2) October 2nd Eliza talks about her trip to a yarn store & buying TWO sweater's worth of yarn: tinyurl.com/ygg5wq2
ajdury says
14 years ago
show notes are here: tinyurl.com/ylrmmlg That's, what? Just barely a week after the plea for funds?
ajdury says
14 years ago
then, a month later, *they* are heading off to another state to "hobnob with the best in the industry" www.johnnymayhem.com/sho...
ajdury says
14 years ago
it's all there for the seeing, if the Plurkette Cheerleaders ever want to put down the FlavorAid & pull off the blinders.
anneleecrft says
14 years ago
nice documentation. Buying 2 sweater's worth of yarn a week after crying broke? That takes some major stones.
ajdury says
14 years ago
oh, there's more! Within 3 weeks, there's a new bed: tinyurl.com/y9d8pes
ajdury says
14 years ago
and by the next month's end there is now a new couch and flat-screen t.v. tinyurl.com/yb7ghkq
ajdury says
14 years ago
you can't plead poverty out of one side of your mouth and then boast out of the other side without flags getting raised. *Just say'n*
anneleecrft says
14 years ago
don't forget about the "huge wholesale yarn contract" - nice to brag about that after crying broke.
ajdury says
14 years ago
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
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