Angry Popoto
60Friends 47Fans
I'm a geeky, musical, silly, fluffy, and ridiculous lady who happens to be a flight attendant (it...sorta pays the bills?).
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago 3
And then I stepped wrong on what was probably a completely normal surface, so now my ankle hurts.
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago 4
[Therapy] That feeling when your therapist not only validates you but also points out how you've got a surprising amount of emotional intelligence compared to other folks because you know how to play-act and roleplay!
Angry Popoto
2 weeks ago 7
When you indulge at a hotel and order GrubHub (because there’s nowhere nearby that you’re willing to actually step foot in), and once the food has arrived and you open it up, you take a long sniff and your tummy promptly tells you that if you try to eat it you’ll regret it.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 2
[Work] omg I just heard the tug pushing us back from the gate beep "shave and a haircut"
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 2
Me: /happens upon the opening video of Digimon
Me Apple Watch: /suddenly lights up and flashes
Me: Holy shit, this is not the outfit that I want to go to the DigiWorld in!!!
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 2
i was gonna post something either entertaining or profound but i can't remember what it was. so have a great night, all of you lovely people!
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 7
Well heck, I took the wrong med before bed. Took the stimulant, not the anti-anxiety med. Tonight is probably gonna suck.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 51 @Edit 3 weeks ago
[Medication/Heat Warning!] Hey! Take a look at this list and see if your medication is on there. This is a list of common meds that can make you more susceptible to heat stroke. Take care of yourself out there, and watch out for each other.
More info: Common medications may increase the dangers of heat ...
Heat and Medications - Guidance for Clinicians
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 6
Vague To Dos:
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago 3
Why have I been able to pass out in the car at my safe parking lots on the drive home from work, but when I actually get home and lie down in my actual bed, I can’t sleep a wink?