Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
[Medication/Heat Warning!] Hey! Take a look at this list and see if your medication is on there. This is a list of common meds that can make you more susceptible to heat stroke. Take care of yourself out there, and watch out for each other.
More info: Common medications may increase the dangers of heat ...
Heat and Medications - Guidance for Clinicians
latest #51
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
This is my annual repost of this! Slightly later than last year, but all of it is still important!
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Stay hydrated, stay out of the sun for too long if your medication affects that, and remember to get electrolytes along with your water!
3 weeks ago
Yupyup! o7
3 weeks ago
oh yeah, always good to share this around
Cymbalta had me standing in a tank top and cutoffs in gray pnw rain. 👍
3 weeks ago
Yup, I take citalopram and I can't handle hot weather for terribly long without shade and a drink. Or even a room that's slightly too hot from a combo of physical activity and the heating system indoors.
3 weeks ago
this is v good to know
mi scusi
3 weeks ago
gasp venlafaxine now i can blame you for my brain working at 45% capacity through july and august
3 weeks ago
>sertraline which I've been on half of my life+
Son of a bi-
3 weeks ago
ah. escitalopram
3 weeks ago
Here I thought my heat intolerance was just autism related!
Force and Fire
3 weeks ago
I’m on at least two of these meds
so many catkins
3 weeks ago
Thank you!!
3 weeks ago
do you have any info that isn't paywalled? I can't get through the washinton post, and the ncceh is saying access denied
I am so glad this gets reposted every year.
3 weeks ago
latuda users, break out the sunscreen and avoid grapefruit!
3 weeks ago
my temperature coping was bad BEFORE citalopram and i go from fine to Pathetic in no time flat these days.

brains better tho. worth.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
joyriding: ah, heck. I didn't follow up on the links this year to see if they were still good
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
if you're using Chrome or Firefox, there seems to be some extensions that can help you bypass paywalls...
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
alright, the ncceh article has been replaced by a CDC article, and I'm open to any suggestions on the Washington Post article or if I should just delete it!
3 weeks ago
Ah yes, both of my brain meds are on this, whoo
why my brain is at 20%:
I'm on 4 of these
I tried to run it through 12ft but it hangs up. uhh lets see, I found this from the cdc and this from yale climate
any other name
3 weeks ago
being on lurasidone for the past 10+ years is why my heat tolerance is Trash Garbage lol. I guess the sertraline isn't helping either.

(I miss grapefruit so much T_T)
I can't find anything like... a more complete list unfortunately but both of those include some I didn't see on the first list, as well as how/why they cause heat intolerance (so you can be mindful of what to look out for)
3 weeks ago
thanks for the reminder! I often forget of this vulnerability
it all makes so much sense now
3 weeks ago
urgh. Good to know....
3 weeks ago
I have two on the list. Well that explains....
3 weeks ago
I always forget, EVERY year, that 2 of mine are on this list
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Both resources have been updated to newer and accessible articles, thanks for help with the other one, joyriding!
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
The fact that so many people forget about these side effects is one of the reasons that I've done my best to post this annually! It helps me, it helps others.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
I honestly forgot about it until I was talking with my doctor today and she said, "Yeah, that's one of the issues with SSRIs," and I went, "I haven't made my post yet!"
3 weeks ago
it's a big help, thank you!
3 weeks ago
It is a big help!
3 weeks ago
Oh fun. So my already existing PCOS lack of temperature control is just gonna be helped along to bake me this summer. Wheee.
3 weeks ago
Gracias for the info! Of course my two main medications are on there and I live in California. Of course. On the plus side, my heat tolerance is pretty good in general so it all evens out!
3 weeks ago
paxil affirmative
so many catkins
3 weeks ago
Hats and hydration!!
mister bottles too
3 weeks ago
Aripiprazole and diphenhydramine
ʙᴇᴄᴋ 🍂
3 weeks ago
Oh, damn. I was taking a few of those for a while
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
You can check the articles, especially the CDC article, for some more details on how your medication may affect you, and what signs in particular to keep an eye out for.
3 weeks ago
FSCK, Latuda's on there.
3 weeks ago
Well, of my 8 meds I'm taking daily, at least there's only one.
3 weeks ago
If Lamictal/Lamotrogine and/or Valium/Diazepam were on there, there'd be a serious problem.
3 weeks ago
It's already bad because I get hot flashes from early-induced menopause, so I'm glad I live on the coast of So. Cal. where the temp doesn't fluctuate much. I'll just have to take a lot of cold baths.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
It always sucks when folks find their medications unexpectedly on this list, but I’m just glad to spread the word around! Better to figure out the cause of issues before it becomes too much of a problem.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Bumpity bump to continue spreading awareness!
Angry Popoto
5 days ago
Hello again folks, the heat is still around and making it unbearable!
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