Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Well heck, I took the wrong med before bed. Took the stimulant, not the anti-anxiety med. Tonight is probably gonna suck.
latest #7
3 weeks ago
oh god, biggest fear
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
I had moved my stimulant closer to my bed because my doc told me that taking it earlier in the day would make it easier for me to get to sleep that night, so even if I just woke up long enough to take it and then go back to sleep, that would help.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
But then when I went to take my meds tonight, I couldn’t remember if I’d taken the evening meds already or not, but I was pretty sure that I hadn’t since I hadn’t marked it down. So I took what I thought was it, and then five minutes later went, “Wait, that pill was slightly larger than I remember it being, oh hell that’s the wrong one.”
3 weeks ago
Oh no.
3 weeks ago
oh no
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Okay, so apparently exhaustion still wins out.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
But I shall take it as a reminder for next time to be more careful.
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