Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
When you indulge at a hotel and order GrubHub (because there’s nowhere nearby that you’re willing to actually step foot in), and once the food has arrived and you open it up, you take a long sniff and your tummy promptly tells you that if you try to eat it you’ll regret it.
latest #7
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Looks tasty! Description was interesting! The gyoza were very good!
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
But I’m staring at the sushi and going, “Well, fuck.”
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
Stupid picky stomach.
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
I think it’s because the rolls don’t look the way that I expected them too, so my brain is setting off the alarms and going, “Not a Safe Food! This is Wrong! All systems active! Alert! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson, danger!”
Angry Popoto
3 weeks ago
At least I have a Cliff bar, and the gyoza were good.
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