working outside the house today, tending to a few lawn chores.
to do quite a bit of work out of the country over the next week. (hey guys. So my Internet is out and I'm really nit sure
considering taking a brief vacation from all this paperwork. And by brief vacation, he means a half hour break.
if anyone has seen a German Shepard running loose recently...
appears at the ball sometime later, completely oblivious as to his impostor wandering around. He only shows up as a military favor, really.
( gotta sleep. work at 5:30am. x.x )
appreciates the support he received and thinks Australia really played a decent game...defensiv-...ah. A decent game. And that a few beers
decides to go out for a drink for once, to distract himself from things.
slightly concerned that it's been so quiet lately.
( Guuys, sorry for the sudden disappearance! I have a con this weekend, and things have been horrible and hectic this week getting ready.)