14 years ago
appears at the ball sometime later, completely oblivious as to his impostor wandering around. He only shows up as a military favor, really.
latest #117
14 years ago
goes to greet him. "Good evening, sir. May I ask your name?" These masquerades make it a bit difficult to check the invite list.
14 years ago
really did not want to wear one of those masks either, so his isn't quite as ornate as the others. "Good evening. I am Ludwig Beilschmidt."
Roderich is
14 years ago
halfway through his formal bow of greeting before he realizes the issue with that sentence. "I see. Er...Mr. Beilschmidt,
14 years ago
you are just arriving, are you not?"
14 years ago
[[I don't know what the hell kind of country they're in right now so I just say "Mr." ;orz ]]
14 years ago
frowns. "Of course. I apologize for being so late, but patrol takes precedent. I hope you understand."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No, no, of course I understand. It's just that...there may be a problem.
14 years ago
Do you have identification?" He's cautious - this could be an impostor.
14 years ago
pushes the mask up onto his head irritably. "Of course I do." He reaches into his coat and pulls out a set of papers, both civilian and-
14 years ago
military identification, each with his picture printed on them, and hands them over.
14 years ago
examines each document thoroughly and says in a low voice, "Mr. Beilschmidt, could you please remove your mask for a moment?"
14 years ago
Whether this man is telling the truth or not, this could either be the result of an innocent gatecrashing - or a military spy.
14 years ago
removes the mask completely, glad to be rid of it. "You said there might be a problem?"
14 years ago
sees that Ludwig completely matches his identification and frowns. "Yes. Earlier this evening someone came in - claiming to be you."
14 years ago
automatically glances around them, but with everyone in masks, that proves to be a bit useless. "I understand you have received quite a few-
14 years ago
guests this evening, but do you remember anything about him physically? Clothing, hair color...mask?"
14 years ago
frowns. "Black hair, and a gray mask. A bit...cheeky, I suppose you could call it." Where the devil was he now?
14 years ago
isn't standing by the punch bowl, spiking it, if that's what your wondering~
14 years ago
's mind goes immediately to his older brother on that 'cheeky' bit, but...Gilbert isn't *that* stupid. "You have guards on the premises, do-
14 years ago
you not?"
14 years ago
nods. "Of course." It's odd to be working with a military officer in anything, but if it's effective... "I'll inform them immediately."
14 years ago
lifts the mask a bit. "Please do. If this person is unstable enough to impersonate an officer, there's no telling what all they are capable-
14 years ago
of. You will have to forgive me for not wearing this-" and by this he means the mask he's holding, I just messed my sentence order up there
14 years ago
. "-while in the process of trying to find this person. Excuse me, sir, and thank you for the invitation. I will have this matter cleared-
14 years ago
up immediately."
14 years ago actually quite glad he decided to invite an officer or two. Really. "Thank you, sir. I trust your judgement in
14 years ago
this situation entirely." That doesn't means he trusts *him* entirely, but still.
14 years ago
nods and excuses himself to find this impostor, while trying to be tactful about approaching those who fit the description.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
over by the punch bowl, spiking everyone's drinks with vodka, and doesn't even notice Ludwig.
14 years ago
notices Gilbert but because of what he's doing to the punch bowl rather than his appearance. That's what he notices second that draws him-
14 years ago
over. "Excuse me, Mr. *Beilschmidt*?"
14 years ago
"Yes~?" He answers before looking over. Once he does, he freezes. "...Ah....Ludwig...." He quickly looks around and clears his throat
14 years ago
before offering him a cup of spiked punch. "...Punch?" He nervously grins.
14 years ago
slaps the cup away and grabs his wrist to jerk him away from the punch bowl. "Take that ridiculous mask off. What do you think you're doing?
14 years ago
14 years ago
tries to jerk his wrist back. "I was just getting some punch! What did it *look* like?"
14 years ago
starts to take the mask off *for* him but stops. Last he heard, his brother wasn't exactly an upstanding member of society. So he at least-
14 years ago
turns so they aren't facing the majority of the crowd. "Mr. Edelstein said someone came in under *my* name. I assume that was you?"
14 years ago
slaps his hand away from his mask. There *was* a reason he dyed his hair and is wearing a mask, thank you very much. He scoffs. "Well, I
14 years ago
couldn't come under *my* name, can I?"
14 years ago
tightens his grip and shakes him a little, leaning in closer to hiss at him. "You cannot come in under *mine either*. I have a reputation to
14 years ago
uphold. One that does not involve *spiking the punch* at fancy parties."
14 years ago
leans away from him, tugging at his arm, trying to get it back. He snorts. "Well, it's not really *you* that's spiking the punch, now is
14 years ago
it? And anyone who *knows* you, knows you wouldn't do that, so, really, there isn't any harm done~"
14 years ago
isn't about to let go. "No, Gilbert. These people have never met me. They only know my name and, in some cases, my record. Now, either you
14 years ago
leave without causing a scene, or I allow Mr. Edelstein's guards to find you first."
14 years ago
huffs, tugging at his arm a few times. "Awww, come on~ I'm just having fun. You wouldn't kick your *brother* out, would you?"
14 years ago
starts dragging him the exit as an answer, making sure to stick to the walls to attract as little attention as possible. "Yes. Unless you-
14 years ago
want an escort the rest of the evening, because you cannot behave unattended."
14 years ago
digs his heels into the ground, trying to grab at the walls as they pass. "Awww, come ooooon. I'm not doing anything bad! I'm just trying
14 years ago
to figure out useful information!"
14 years ago
stops abruptly. "You're *spying* now?! For who? Are there no depths to which you won't sink?"
14 years ago
uses his surprise to successfully grab his arm back and takes a step back, out of grabbing reach. "For *myself*!"
14 years ago
...because he wouldn't work for anyone but himself.
14 years ago
advances on him again. "Gilbert...this is your last warning. I am doing you a favor *not* taking you in as I should. I'm sure you have-
14 years ago
enough warrants out by now as it is."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "*Please*. We're family, Lud. You wouldn't turn me in." ....At least, he hopes.
14 years ago
glares. "Do not test me right now. Edelstein's guards are already looking for you."
14 years ago
stares at him. "...Do the guards know what I look like?" Because he could still get away with this...
14 years ago
nods. "I assume he gave them the same physical description he gave me."
14 years ago
scowls, realizing he'll be kicked out sooner or later, which does not bode well with him. "Gott, all I want is information for revenge!
14 years ago
There's no need to get all uptight and tell the guards!"
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Gilbert, you are impersonating a military officer. I did not know at the time that it was *you*. I gave you a little too-
14 years ago
much credit and thought you were smarter than that. For all we knew at the time, you were some dangerous criminal."
14 years ago
prides himself on being a dangerous criminal, thank you very much.
14 years ago
tries not to think about this, since technically part of his job entails fighting said dangerous criminals. "I can help you get out-
14 years ago
without the guards noticing. But you *have* to leave."
14 years ago
doesn't want to leave! He just got here!
14 years ago
motions towards the very obvious guards making a circuit of the place. "...well?"
14 years ago
stares at the guards and huffs, but doesn't answer.
14 years ago
wacks him with that stupid mask he didn't want to bring in the first place. "I'm talking to you. Do you want help out or not?"
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
him a glare, rubbing his head where he was wacked. "I'm find by myself." He says. Of course, he isn't planning on leaving.
14 years ago
snorts. "Obviously not. ...either leave, or find a different mask. And stay where I can keep an eye on you."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow at him. "A different mask?"
Ludwig is
14 years ago
trying to compromise here. He doesn't think Roderich is slow enough to fall for that for long though. "Yes. And what have you done to your
14 years ago
14 years ago
supposes he wouldn't have a problem beating up another servant for another mask... He shrugs. "I dyed it. How many people do you know with
14 years ago
*silver* hair, honestly. I'm trying to sneak in here, and I can't sneak in if I'm recognizable." Which is why he took on Ludwig's name in
14 years ago
first place.
14 years ago
"Elderly people. Find something else to wear, too." Why in the hell is he even entertaining this. He's supposed to be throwing his brother-
14 years ago
out on his ass. That's what he deserves for sneaking in like this, not to mention using his name as well.
Gilbert wishes
14 years ago
everyone would stop comparing him to old people! Just because he's older than Ludwig and has silver hair, does not mean
14 years ago
he is THAT old. He rolls his eyes. "Oh, yes, let me just go put on the *other* tux I brought with me."
14 years ago
Like he owns more pair of nice clothes.
14 years ago
shrugs. "These are your only options and I suggest you decide quickly. Those guards aren't going to be near as careful about tossing you-
14 years ago
out as your own brother."
14 years ago
huffs. "This never would have been a problem if you hadn't showed up! You NEVER go to balls! What's so special about this one?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
definitely not saying he's impersonated Ludwig before. No. Not at all...
Ludwig is
14 years ago
not aware of this. You're damn lucky. "I was *asked* to attend this one. A show of good faith." Something like that. More of a way for0
14 years ago
the military to flex its figurative muscles among the aristocracy. "How would you know? What have I told you about following people?"
Gilbert loves
14 years ago
his luck! ...except for tonight, when it obviously rebelled against him. He smirks. "Is it a crime to know what my dear brother is up to?"
14 years ago
finds it incredibly difficult to resist slapping that smirk off his face. "In certain instances, yes, it is. Especially the way *you*
14 years ago
go about it."
14 years ago
raises his hands in innocence, smirk still plastered on his face. "The way I go about it? Whatever do you mean~?"
14 years ago
pushes him a little closer to the wall when a guard gets a bit too close to them. "Stop messing around. You know what I mean."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow at him as he's pushed closer to the wall and tries to shove him away. "I can take care of myself!"
14 years ago
shoves him right back, a bit like they're young again and he's getting retaliation for Gilbert picking on him. "Don't be dense. You're out-
14 years ago
14 years ago
shoves him back, not even thinking that the fancy party goers might find it odd--he's used to rough housing with his brother. He scoffs.
14 years ago
rolling his eyes. "And your point is? I know ways out of here, and I'm sure if I take a hostage, then they won't shoot me!" After all, it
14 years ago
had worked before.
14 years ago
's defenses flare right back up to a stroke-inducing level. "A *hostage*? Are you insane?! That's it, get out of here right now or I will
14 years ago
carry you out myself."
14 years ago
raises his hands in innocence. "I'm not going to hurt anyone! If the guards find me, then I need to get out without being shot or
14 years ago
imprisoned! I take a hostage...and they won't hurt me for fear of hurting them! Then you back up to a door and run!" Simple, really.
14 years ago
gave him a few pretty fair warnings. But he's done talking about this, so he just grabs for him, intending on tossing him up onto his-
14 years ago
shoulder to haul out of here before he really causes a scene.
14 years ago
jumps backwards to avoid being grabbed, but hits the wall.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
just settle for pinning him there. "This isn't funny anymore. They'll arrest you!", he really doesn't like sounding less like an-
14 years ago
officer and more like a worried sibling trying to help his brother escape proper punishment. Makes him feel weird.
14 years ago
huffs, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "And if they do, I'll break out! Or you can bail me out. Either way." He shrugs.
14 years ago
laughs, but it's mostly a sarcastic, disbelieving sort of noise. "Like hell I'll bail you out! You're so damn resourceful, you do it-
14 years ago
14 years ago
frowns. "Aww, come on! I'm your brother!"
14 years ago
crosses his arms and gives him a *strict. look.* "No. You heard me. I am trying to help and you're just being stubborn."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
so totally scared of the *strict look*. Not. He rolls his eyes and waves him off. "I can take care of myself!
14 years ago
I don't need you to take care of me!"
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