Dante [단테]
3Friends 0Fans
male Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Dante [단테] has
10 years ago 5
0.00 Karma, lol
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago 1
Been gone so long, I'm removing all friends and "fans" (except Bitey and Lion Tamer) :-)
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago
wow, I have achieved karma 0! Okay so I haven't been here for a while :/
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago 4
Thinking of stopping in Shanghai for a few days this year (on my way to Korea).
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago
This just arrived in the mail today. I really like the artwork and the story so far (about growing up in China post-Mao) www.goodreads.com/book/s...
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago 3
It's 4am, you've had a few, and you can't find your apartment (forgot the number)... www.fubiz.net/2013/04/09...
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago 10
Wow. This "metro" theme Plurk changed my theme to is an absolutely atrocious eyesore :/
Dante [단테] shares
11 years ago 3
Last week of work before I go to Texas for a couple weeks for military. Going from 30's (Fahrenheit) back home to 90's in Southern Texas. Instant summer!
Dante [단테] shares
12 years ago 12
Made another batch of kimchi
Dante [단테]
12 years ago 7
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