Dante [단테]
3Friends 0Fans
male Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Dante [단테]
12 years ago 10
...been holding the muffler up with coat hangers for 6 months now (LOL)
Dante [단테] is
12 years ago 5
taking the Jeep in for repairs and inspection this morning (the one in my avatar).
Dante [단테] is
12 years ago 9
reading Tao Te Ching (道德經) by Lao Tzu (老子) :-)
Dante [단테]
12 years ago 23
저는 요즘 일본어 카나를 공부하고 있어요.
한국어과 일본어은 많은 공통점이 있어요 (내 생각).
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
스페인 그랑프리를 지켜 보 겠어
Dante [단테] is
12 years ago 10
watching the Spanish Grand Prix
Dante [단테]
12 years ago 9
Napped too late -- it's 4:45 AM, so I guess I'll just stay up the rest of the night - found some interesting reads online, anyway.
Dante [단테] shares
12 years ago 4
random pix: A sudden downpour in Ocean City, MD didn't keep these two from staying at their table.
Dante [단테] is
12 years ago 3
staying home and chilling out this Saturday night. Will order something for delivery. :-)
Dante [단테] shares
12 years ago 2
Found on my other camera: In an alley soju bar with a ROK Army Vietnam vet: tinyurl.com/42e4opa