73Friends 3Fans
female Novara, Italy
Owner of GERMINAL tattoos
Photographer, explorer, DJ, gamer, nerd.
I love everything dark and creepy.
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4 years ago 9
so, still struggling with health issues, but minor ones finally, and so on... but my cat has finally opened himself and he is now trying to find a balance with my other cat. I am so relieved!
4 years ago 1 @Edit 4 years ago
my cat is lazy, fearfull, depressed and apathic. I should find him an appropriate name
4 years ago 2
doctors said that whatever it was that hit me, it's now gone and my blood is almost clean . another check up in 3 months and it's all over \0/
4 years ago 3
Another trip to the hospital tomorrow morning. I hope it will be the last but everytime they say something new and keep me on hold with more exams. I am so tired.
4 years ago
I need to change my store's building but finding one that's good, not too expensive and nice almost impossible
4 years ago 35
I am at loss with my new cat. I don't know whow to deal with him, anything seems wrong. I've never had such troubles before, never. I need advice.
4 years ago 5
Light side: I am gonna go see what I hope will become my new cat on Sunday. He's a black long furred sweetie and I love him already. Hope everything goes well!
Dark dide: I have an hospital visit on Wednesday, in a bigger city, to try and see what's wrong with my blood.
Wish me luck!
4 years ago 9
so tonight we were driving home from the car shelter and we had a small car accident. I've never seen my mother cry so much. It's been heartbreaking and yet... I stood there, completely unable to be any kind of emphatic. What is wrong with me?
4 years ago 6
It's a virus. They still don't know which one but at least I am not dying and it's not leukemia. I am so relieved. I've never been so scared before
4 years ago 1
So my results came in today and I still don't know what's wrong with me. Another doctor appointment on monday evening. X_X