4 years ago
so, still struggling with health issues, but minor ones finally, and so on... but my cat has finally opened himself and he is now trying to find a balance with my other cat. I am so relieved!
latest #9
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
I had that identical cat!
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: awww he is so cute
4 years ago
Aww he looks so much like a cat my sister's had. He was a tuxedo. Very lovely cat, one of the best I have ever known. He also grumpy wen unhappy about something, but once he accepts, he is very loving
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
She had a tuxedo that looked like that?
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: yeah. Not the best picture of him, but here you go.
4 years ago
I don't know if this a type of breed, kind of main coon? or something else? I don't know. But they are really great cats. best personality
4 years ago
BishieStyleSL: reminds me of my old cat, he was a mix of persian and norway forest cat
4 years ago
VeronikaObviate: oh interesting. I showed your cats pic to family member and she said BooBoo! And I said no, it's another cat. It's amazing how close the look
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
That's a weird cat, to have long hair but tuxedo markings. Never seen one before.
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