4 years ago
so tonight we were driving home from the car shelter and we had a small car accident. I've never seen my mother cry so much. It's been heartbreaking and yet... I stood there, completely unable to be any kind of emphatic. What is wrong with me?
latest #9
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
Nothing. We're all just built differently.
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: mm yeah but maybe I should've been more comforting? Honestly all I thought about was how to solve the mess, since she was unable to.
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
That makes you pragmatic! Leaders are pragmatic. Is good. You're worried about what you think the world wants from you instead of focusing on what you can give to the world. Life is a WoW dungeon: some defend, some heal, some wreak havoc on the things in their way. The tank defends. They usually lead as well. You're the leader - absorb the damage, choose the
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
path, LEAD. Let others focus on what they are good at, you be the best YOU. No one expects apples to give orange juice, there's no need to change you. Change OTHER'S expectations of you.
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: that is a good way ti see it. I always worry too much about what others want and think thank you
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
Even trolls have hobbies. Mine is part-time psychologist. And pervert.
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: XD good job, sir
Theo Bucket
4 years ago
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