4 years ago
I am at loss with my new cat. I don't know whow to deal with him, anything seems wrong. I've never had such troubles before, never. I need advice.
latest #35
4 years ago
Maybe I can help!
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: That would be very appreciated. I've taken him home from the shelter a week ago and all he does is staying hidden in my garage between the wall and a few things I've stacked there. I've tried bringing him inside the house, but he runs away and goes back in there. He does come out at night only, when nobody sees him, and doesn't show...
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: interest in anything other than that. He's eating , drinking and going to the toilet normally. I've tried playing, calling, anything. He would just stay there and stare at me. Yesterday I've tried playint with one of those sticks with feathers and he rsn away and started meowing like he was desperate. So I reached him on the stairs and-
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: .. and cuddled him. He seemed happy, purred a lot and was acting like a normal happy cat. For an hour. When I got up he ran in his hiding spot, again. Today I've tried looking into him and as soon as I got a little bit closer he started crying .
4 years ago
VeronikaObviate: how old is he and how long have you have him on top of being in the shelter? He seems like he’s still adjusting to your house and you. Since he’s eating and drinking and going to the bathroom normally there is no cause for concern. The fact that he let you cuddle him is a great milestone! This really just sounds like an adjusting period.
4 years ago
He’s unsure of his environment and not 100% sure he feels completely safe. It’s all new to him.
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: The vet said he should have 2-3 years. He was abandned along with other 10 cats , by a couple who divorced and felt like throwing them away. He then lived for a while in a small place provided by the neighbour, until they took him to the shelter. He's been in a cage for a couple of weeks, neutered and cleaned up. Then I took him home.
4 years ago
Yep sounds like he had a little fear/anxiety/abandonment things he needs to work out. Like I said, animals know when something isn’t right. He’s waiting to be sure you aren’t gonna dump him like the rest. It’s a trust issue with a little bit of adjustment.
4 years ago
Sit with him, don’t even make an attempt to demand cuddles and such. Just sit with him even for a few min a day he may be hiding but he is watching. Trust me. He is also learning your scent. lay out some toys.
4 years ago
As silly as it sounds, talk to him in a calm tone. Reassure him you are there to help and love, not hurt and abandon. Put some food down in your hand in a few days and see if he will peek. Try even at night to spend a little time with him.
4 years ago
If he continues to hide and starts to not eat/use the toilet this can be a sign death is near. Cats feel vulnerable and tend to hide for safety. He could also become a bit depressed as well with everything he has been through.
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: I usually sit on a little stool a couple of meters in front of the spot he's hiding in and I talk to him. He was completely still, the first days. Then he started turning towards me. He stays still and watches me. I go there at least 4-5 times a day, even at 4am
4 years ago
Some cats don’t like toys while others have to explore. Leave the toy on the ground for a few but watch him as feathers can be bad for cats. Let him sniff it out and realize it’s not going to hurt him. He will come around.
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: Okay. I will follow your advices. Thank you, it's never been so hard to bond with a cat before, even stray ones usually come to me after a couple of days.. so I begun to worry
4 years ago
No need to worry. He has been through a lot and you sort of have to turn that worry trigger mode off in his brain and make him realize you are ok to trust and once he trusts you it’ll be that much better. It took one of my cats, as a kitten, nearly two years to even let us pet her. She would always run and hide. Now
4 years ago
At night she will snuggle for an hour or so but when we attempt to pick her up she will run. She will take bouts of hiding for a few days then coming around then hiding again. She’s gotten to the point where I can kiss her between her ears and she normally initiates the cuddles.
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: aww how cute :3 I have another cat, a female 14yo one, she doesn't even CARE there's another cat around. They met he was silent and she was like "oh, whatever, I'm hungry." I'll keep on and have patience. Problem is, my parents also live here and they're not as quiet and patient like me. >_<
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: this is him, btw ;-)
4 years ago
VeronikaObviate: ♥️♥️♥️
4 years ago
Cbd really
4 years ago
I had a cat that was his twin. Her name was Chilli Willy Wu Tan Bear.
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: ahahaha that's the best cat name EVER xdxd
4 years ago
Had another cat at the same time. Her name was Wendy Bo Bendy Jo the Great. She lived to be 22 and was a notorious dog and cat fighter. It was considered very bad manners if I didn't warn others when she was outside but she loved Chilli and humans and was the smartest cat I ever met. She would do dog tricks and could unlock and open doors and all kinds of
4 years ago
crazy things. She was amazing. Tuxedo. One of my best friends ever.
4 years ago
She lived in five states with me.
4 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: that is so cute. reminds me of a cat I had when i was 20. his name was Twiggy, though he was well fatty , and he was the smartest living being I've ever met. He died at 6yo because my neighbours poisoned him.
4 years ago
Wow! On purpose?
4 years ago
4 years ago
What the fuck?
4 years ago
VeronikaObviate: how’s it going with the kitty fluff?
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: he's been a sweetie yesterday: he didn't hide in his spot and I was able to cuddle him a bit. He ate in front of me, even from my hand! He is now hiding again, but I think he is a little bit more confident
4 years ago
4 years ago
VeronikaObviate: omg yay I’m so happy!!
4 years ago
SolarFoxglove: he is definitely bothered by my parents ' messing around the house at morning. He will get used, hopefully
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