Well, I remembered my Plurk PW out of the blue today. Amazing. So I'm back and all that good stuff. I would have preferred lotto numbers (no offense, Plurk), but I'll take it. I missed you.
Man, I really wanted to make new group goodies for Xmas but HOLY CRAP have I been busy. Just threw together a pack of some regular stuff. Ugh. Still feel like a terrible slacker.
I ♥ L.inc for creating the Missy Tops with a separate set of system layers for use with Tangos so it doesn't look like I have a shirt under my boobies. Does anyone know of other awesome stores that offer this?
I had to put down my eldest kitty this weekend, the day before my bday and I've been so sad. And just when I think I'm doing better, I'm cleaning the house and fur makes me cry. FFS. I'm pathetic.
Wooooo sweatshirt weather! YOU get a sweatshirt! and YOU get a sweatshirt! and YOU get a sweatshirt! Everybody gets sweatshirts! [p.s. they won't say Oprah - promise!]
OK, so, I perv a profile, & it says he's a photog: profiles, portfolios, weddings, conceptions, & special orgasms. And I'm like, "Surely he means 'occasions', right?" Apparently not. facepalm