11 years ago
I had to put down my eldest kitty this weekend, the day before my bday and I've been so sad. And just when I think I'm doing better, I'm cleaning the house and fur makes me cry. FFS. I'm pathetic.
latest #10
11 years ago
you lost a critter you loved and who loved you. Pathetic would be a person unaffected by such loss.
11 years ago
The vet sent us a handwritten card today and I was a mess all over. I thought it was really sweet, tho.
No you're not! You lost someone dear to your heart!
11 years ago
I'm so sorry.
11 years ago
That's not pathetic at all! I cry for days when I have to do that. I'm sorry for your loss.
11 years ago
Thanks for the hugs, guys. :-)
11 years ago
Not pathetic, I was a mess when my baby went missing, I have no idea how I'd be if anything happened to her. Let yourself mourn, they're not just pets, they're members of the family
Zia says
11 years ago
Aw, I am so sorry. Losing a pet is hard. I still miss my boy cat and he died in '06.
11 years ago
Really sorry to hear this
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