11 years ago
OK, so, I perv a profile, & it says he's a photog: profiles, portfolios, weddings, conceptions, & special orgasms. And I'm like, "Surely he means 'occasions', right?" Apparently not. facepalm
latest #11
11 years ago
All I said was "Special orgasms? Sounds like very exciting work!" And now he won't shut up. And I don't know how to leave the convo. Cuz he's like SERIOUS about this.
11 years ago
Annnnd omg blonde moment - I just reread that and comprehended what "conception" means rather than the "reception" I had misread initially. Fuck.
11 years ago
I... I need the log of what he means by "special orgasms," because what the actual fuck.
11 years ago
yeah i didn't really ask him to clarify, but he added "sometimes they don't know their orgasms are being snapped" and I'm like uhhhhh ... creepy?
11 years ago
maybe he's like one of those photogs that takes your pic without asking at like Sea World and then wants you to buy it.
11 years ago
Except he's outside your window and comes to your door to sell it to you after you're done?
11 years ago
Or he hangs out at clubs that specialize in public and group sex, and he gets an eye- and camera-full there. Hopefully, he's not window peeping.
11 years ago
He said he really enjoys his work, and the escorts might be the only ones having a better job. Again ... ummm, so people are paying for sex AND someone to photograph it. That is sad.
11 years ago
I'm thinking the orgasms photographed without the people knowing about certainly would be very special orgasms indeed. yikes. always something new in SL!
11 years ago
Zia says
11 years ago
This whole Plurk made me snort.
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