Fuchsia Fox
74Friends 2Fans
female Insanity, ON, Canada
I write and draw. Both fan works and not. I'm a Transformers addict too.
Formerly played Skyfire @ My Little JamJar and Maid Marian @ the Wake.
Currently playing an AU of Skyfire here and there.
Fuchsia Fox
1 months ago 3
So the fucking front wheel of my wheelchair fell off... again. Like seriously... wtfh?
Fuchsia Fox
1 months ago 4 @Edit 1 months ago
[Game pic spam][Mute?]https://images.plurk.com/3UMmBlzFlqhscDD9sCVI3L.jpg
Jusst gonna leave this here because reasons...
Fuchsia Fox
1 months ago 1
Well, this is an 'I'm still around' plurk.
https://images.plurk.com/53uLkfkeo33MvH1tuZI7N0.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2t3QONrijr3PCIMVcFAmXc.jpg
Playing around with a pottery making game.
Fuchsia Fox
2 months ago 1
If People Lagged in Real Life (Compilation 2)I think I laughed a little too hard at this...
Aka it's an I'm still alive here plurk >.<
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 15 @Edit 3 months ago
[Dollhouse][Pics n updates] Catch all plurk for this stuff.
If anyone has good pattern resources, tips or the like, please share?
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 10
Sooo I decided to try my hand at making a dollhouse type room thing... my god, my hands are aching from cutting popsicle sticks for flooring...

https://images.plurk.com/4SmeVW5cHptQpiaPHrlw2T.jpg https://images.plurk.com/572heLKtE2aMYtTUHdV4Kb.jpg
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 4
He's 'helping'...
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 6 @Edit 3 months ago
[Steam Sale] Edit: Steam effed me. Can't gift anyone because of 'regional price differences'... :-(
... So I guess dropping a Steam wish-list here is a thing now I guess?
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 6
[gmail rant/mute] OMFG this new interface fucking sucks. sob give me back my simple html view.
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago 5 @Edit 3 months ago
[Wheelchair related][replurk request] So, I'm trying to put together a small guide about how accessible things like restaurants/poi/shops/hotels are in my area and I'm trying to brainstorm common things people in chairs want to know. I use a manual chair but I'm trying to make a more inclusive template.