Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Sooo I decided to try my hand at making a dollhouse type room thing... my god, my hands are aching from cutting popsicle sticks for flooring...

https://images.plurk.com/4SmeVW5cHptQpiaPHrlw2T.jpg https://images.plurk.com/572heLKtE2aMYtTUHdV4Kb.jpg
latest #10
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
I'm maybe a quarter of the way through the amount of sticks I'm gonna need... @@
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Went down to the library to use their big metal rulers and cutting mats... It was a pain to bring it home.
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Anyone have tips/tricks? I'll take whatever help I can get. lol
3 months ago
Wow that is cool as shit but ow
3 months ago
Maybe scoring with an xacto knife? I feel like squeezing the pliers is hurting your hand more than helping
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Sadly the knife hurts more... These are surprisingly tough sticks. I had started with the xacto knife, but quit quick. Was worried about cutting myself.
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
I wish I knew someone close with a belt sander... I'd just bundle them and sand the ends off. XD
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
I should maybe have used craft sticks instead of actual popsicle sticks :-P
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Progress is being made lol
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
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