Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
[Steam Sale] Edit: Steam effed me. Can't gift anyone because of 'regional price differences'... :-(
... So I guess dropping a Steam wish-list here is a thing now I guess?
latest #6
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Feel free to toss a friend request to me on there if anyone wants to?
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
Because fml I can't gift due to 'regional price differences'?! Whyyyy?
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
No effing fairrr I wanted to give people stuff for once. Just tell me what the bleeping price is in their area and let me decide.
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
/checks prices
Wtfh? It's like less than a dollar's difference with exchange in Steam's favor... Whelp... guess I can only gift to Canadians... :/
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
I... do I have anyone on here in canada? Geeze... everyone is so far away from me.
Fuchsia Fox
3 months ago
... It won't let me gift anyone?
/puts in a help request because this is stupid
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