91Friends 56Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
Sometimes Cat, sometimes kitten, occasionally even hooman, but always happy to pass some time with friends.

Sorry but I only add adults.
Niya says
9 years ago 4
Niya says
10 years ago 7
I try not to hate people but I'll make an exception for the arsonists who burned down the Manchester dogs trust. 60 dogs dead :'-(
Niya says
10 years ago 7

Look out there's a polar bear behind you!
Niya says
10 years ago 13
Oh hai, it's been ages. Here is a pic of Jake on his first ever holiday with a sandy beard!
Niya shares
10 years ago 9
I got this for my birthday! Every single page makes me smile!
Niya shares
10 years ago 7
Niya says
10 years ago 8
Jake has graduated his puppy training class. What a grown up boy!
10 years ago 9
I respect anyone's choice to be a vegetarian....but must they pounce on every mention of my non vegetarianism and try to make me feel bad about it?
11 years ago 13
Jake: I've found this odd shaped ball! (A tangerine).....but if I bite it, it squirts stuff at me.....solution : I shall bark at it!
11 years ago 1
My new doggy friend in C.O.D!